Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Little Chickadees

This was painted during the winter of 2012.
It was cold and snow was predicted, so it suited my mood.

I see dozens of things I would do over if I ever painted it again, but I love these little birds.
I spent so much of my focus and time painting the trees in the background that it overshadowed the chickadees. Next time I'll do it different.

The black capped chickadee is almost universally considered “cute” thanks to its oversized round head, tiny body, and curiosity about everything, including humans. The chickadee’s black cap and bib; white cheeks; gray back, wings, and tail; and whitish underside with buffy sides are distinctive. Its habit of investigating people and everything else in its home territory, and quickness to discover bird feeders, make it one of the first birds most people learn.  I will paint them again-soon.