Monday, May 9, 2011

Thanks to all who took time to chat Saturday

The day began far too early for this old woman, 4am, and by 2pm I felt like a truck had run over me, but it was a wonderful beautiful day. Thanks to everyone who took time to say hello, and especially to everyone who took my business card. Your comments and purchases were just the shot in the arm I needed to reaffirm that I am on the right course. Thanks to everyone, and God Bless You!

Many thanks also to my friend, Lura Marshall, who shared the booth with me and had an opportunity to show and sell her gorgeous baskets, truly works of art!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blue Ridge Butterflies

I began this painting in 2006, and it has been gathering dust since then. It needed something. After dusting it off, I worked on it for hours yesterday, and I am happier with it. Not joyful, but happier. I'm not sure where to go with it now, but I am sure that by the time my show is over I will know...

Courage is being scared to death--but saddling up anyway. (John Wayne)

Diptych Butterfly

This has been a fun painting, but it was much more labor intensive than I thought it would be. It's been a learning experience too, but I'm not finished yet. I will post the completed work tomorrow. I need about 2 more hours to get it where I want it to be. In the event that you have never heard of a diptych before, this is the definition.

A diptych is a photograph that uses two different or identical images side by side to form one single artistic statement. The two images can literally be in contact with each other, or separated by a border or frame.


Not For Sale

This painting was completed in the mid 1990's...before Sadie's. I was painting daily then, and I had grown to this point. Then, over 15 years of diversion as a soap maker, and I've regressed, so I don't call myself an artist yet. I am an Emerging Artist. I'm getting there, but it's a long journey.

Teal Geese-SOLD

I don't know if it shows with my completed painting, but I really enjoyed painting this. I love the colors, the geese, the composition. Each painting has such a big part of your all wrapped up in paint and canvas....


Herb Collage

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow." (Theodore Roosevelt)

Over 20 years ago I had completed a very difficult landscape painting. I was very happy with it until a friend who was a well known artist took once glance and said, "It's okay, but you are afraid of color".

Who, me, afraid of color!?!
The words etched into my brain. She changed my style. Without formal training or really know what I am doing I have jumped into my paints. I wish I could ask her if I am still afraid of color........

Courageous Rooster-SOLD

Be Bold. It's just canvas, just paint. If it doesn't work for you, paint over it and start again. Don't be afraid that you are wasting supplies. Every failure teaches something, if only what not to do. (Tiko Kerr)

Facts on Roosters-People born in the Year of Rooster share specific characteristics that are common to all other Roosters. To say that someone is a Rooster is simply a shorthand way of describing that individual's personality.Resilience :: Courage Passion :: Protectiveness Patriotism :: Conceit Industriousness :: Bluntness Rudeness :: Impatience Aggression Bossiness

This colorful personality filled bird is a charming rooster painting, skillfully created with striking colors, will make it a pleasure to own, and he pairs up beautifully with Mr. Rooster (see next blog entry). What a handsome pair they are.


Mr. Rooster - Courage

That is my theme today. It is Wednesday, and my first art show is Saturday, albeit it a very small show, it is my FIRST!!!!!

"Courage always starts out by feeling like fear. Fear is an invitation for us to respond with belief in ourselves." (John Paul)

This quote really doesn't make me feel any better, "The first prerogative of an artist in any medium is to make a fool of himself." (Pauline Kael)

There is a part of me, deep down, that was hoping that this outside show would be rained out. It would have been easier. The weather is forecasted to be beautiful, so I am swallowing my fear and praying for courage.

One quote that struck me as being exceptionally true was the statement by Matisse that "creativity takes courage". It takes courage to be an artist - to create a piece of art that will inevitably be judged by others. It takes courage to suggest that a painting can be an impression of a scene, rather than a perfect reproduction of the scene. It takes courage to create entirely new forms of painting as Pollock and Johns and others did. These artists have the courage of their vision to create their art. We in business need to learn from their example. We need to have the courage of creativity. Many people think that courage is the ability to face some terrible threat, such as a solider in wartime. Simple courage is much more basic than that - the ability to create an idea that differs from the status quo, or to follow a passion, even in the face of possible skepticism from your friends and colleagues.

“To create one’s own world in any of the arts takes courage.”
---Georgia O’Keefe

Monday, May 2, 2011

Transformation...have you ever thought about it?

Transformation is one of the most common events of nature. The seed becomes the flower. The cocoon becomes the butterfly. Winter becomes spring and love becomes a child. Marriage is a transformation we choose to make. Our love is planted like a seed, and in time it begins to flower. We cannot know the flower that will bloom, but we can be sure that a bloom will come.

I just read this poetic reference of Transformation from Doug Hoffman. It delights me and it is fun to share with you. Yes, I'm on my way to paint...the show is Saturday, so much to do!

“We are all boats at anchor. Depending upon circumstances, or genes, or upbringing, or whatever, we may be attached to our anchor by a longer or a shorter chain. We may have more or less freedom to move about, but we are still chained and anchored.

If the winds blow strong enough, or the tides are powerful enough, or if we run our little engines hard enough, we may find that our anchor drags across the seabed a short way. And then we find ourselves in a new place. But we are still chained and anchored and stuck.

It isn’t until we dive down deep and sever the chain from the anchor that we become truly free. Then the 7 seas and all they contain are within our power to experience, as we choose. That process of diving down and releasing is called Transformation---

"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."
-- William Faulkner

Longing for a miracle that will transform your life? Miracles happen, and if we don’t want that magic to disappear on us, we need to learn from each epiphany -- to integrate it, apply it, and build on it so we can permanently shift to a new level of being.

The real key to fulfillment lies in ONGOING transformation: building our awareness of daily opportunities to change our perceptions and raise our consciousness. Life is about dissolving the old and creating anew. The more we open to accepting and learning from every life experience, the more our lives transform.

"Enlightenment must come little by little -- otherwise it would overwhelm."

Idries Shah