Thursday, November 25, 2010

How I feel about what I paint......

How I feel about what I paint
is infinitely more important to me
than what I paint.
–Noyes Capehart

Our State Magazine, Mar. 2007

In this case I have a passion for our fine feathered friends...geese and roosters are my favorite. Please don't ask me why..I do not know, but I absolutely love painting them...this too is a process.

Picture #2

I struggled with this one. I'm still not sure if I like it, but I am sure that somehow it fits in with this process of relearning and finding what I want my art to say....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Practice makes perfect, as they say.

A pale pink peony is visited by a small Monarch butterfly. Peonies don't need extra decoration being quite lovely in their own right, but this pretty insect adds a special touch, alighting for just a moment before it flutters away.
We've all heard it-"Practice makes perfect".

It's been almost a year since I have posted, and at this point I can claim that as of this day I am a MRSA survivor. There have been 7 surgeries and lots of recouperation, and I am painting, but so far all I have produced is what I would refer to as paintings that are just a practice pieces. Like a musician, a painter must work as often as possible at practicing and staying fresh. Often during this practice a beautiful piece is produced, but often a painting just ends up a mess. A musician doesn’t record every session, and a painter shouldn’t expect every painting to be something that someone should hang on a wall. As in life, it's all a process...........